Booking Through Thursday – Eternity (Apr 12)

Today Booking Through Thursday asks the following question:

What book took you the longest to read, and do you feel it was the content or just the length that made it so?

I can think of a few books that have taken me a long time to read. Quite often I’ll start a book and leave it for a while then come back to it, sometimes months later, and finish it. So, although the reading time probably isn’t too long, the time I take to get it read can be a long time. This happens a lot with short story collections, so usually I miss nothing in the time the book is not being read.

I just finished off some studies and can think of some assigned books that I struggled through. So to answer today’s question with one book, the one that comes to mind is Paradise Lost by John Milton. It took me a long time, because I at times was retaining nothing and found myself re-reading large chunks of it. The problem was that the course I was doing was on the theology of John Milton and I had to write three papers where the primary text was Paradise Lost. So I had to  make sure I had a grasp of it. I found a lot of the language inaccessible (it was written in the 17th century) and I just didn’t enjoy the style of it (it’s a long poem). I got through the course somehow and got a fairly decent mark, all things considered. Suffice to say, I won’t be reading this book again.